Thursday, November 20, 2008

Low Carb Diet With Dr. Wallach

Happy Thursday! Youngevity company conference calls tonight. In case you lost the number its 303-664-6005 with 8016610# to code in. It begins at 5:00 pacific. There is a call on the TRU Chocolate right after. All are welcome, distributors or not. Smallville is next and it is going to kick tonight. Looks like doomsday.

I had a good day today. Fixed my wife's sewing machine. Checked out some sites with low Carb diets. I am in the process of fine tuning Doc's low Carb diet. It is working very well. I started a week ago last Friday, so almost 2 weeks. A little history first - I had a racing pulse last year in December and it messed my heart up a bit. I think I had some drug side effects and the result is I am on full time oxygen. I went to my lung specialist 4 months ago and weighed in. Since that time I haven't been keeping track of my weight but with the reduced activity it felt like I have been gaining; pants tighter, shirts don't fit, you know the drill. So my kids gave me an ultimatum that I had to lose some weight. I went over all the different types of diets. Starve, weird stuff, rabbit food, run till you drop and the old pay through the nose types. A few years ago I did Doc's low Carb approach and it worked. I lost 80 lbs, felt great, blood pressure dropped and I was in hog heaven. Problem was I got a lot of grief from just about everyone that I wasn't doing what was healthy; eating all that fat and skipping the life giving bread and fruit that was created especially for us to eat. So I quit and it took about 2 years to put it back on plus another 10 lbs for good measure. So you don't have to wonder, my doc was set on me losing some weight too. I was telling Rose that it was like Pavlov's experiments. If I lost he was happy and easy going. If I didn't he got grumpier every time I saw him. Anyway it has been 4 months since I have seen him. Yesterday I had an appointment and when they weighed me I guessed I had lost about 6 lbs. I was pretty amazed that it was 16 lbs from the weigh in 4 months ago and yesterday. That doesn't take into account all the weight I felt I had gained between appointments. It could have been a lot more from when I began the change in eating style. Result = it works! I go back right after the first of the year and will let you know how it goes.

Of course, I am still taking the wonderful Youngevity supplements so I won’t be missing the carbs. Doc has always said “As a veterinarian he knew how to fatten up a pig for slaughter and that to make it lean all you do is reverse the process.” Carbs are the way to a big belly. The thing I like is that even though the pounds are dropping like crazy I am never hungry. The bummer is I had to give up bread and ice cream. Those were my two biggest Carb problems. So far it is doable and it has been all-most 2 weeks. Last time I liked it just fine so I think this is going to work.

I also have been drinking an ACT energy drink around lunch every day and that seems to give me just enough sweet taste with no sugar to satisfy all the cravings. I love that drink. It is amazing how it grows on you. First drink its so / so. Second drink you think, really not too bad and the Third drink, you love it. Hmm seems like the plug line works for me.

Check out the conference calls tonight and don’t miss Smallville. I guess not enough people watched Leno or Boston Legal because they are getting bumped. Lets support Smallville. It’s great!

Have a great day! Wes

Diet information only. Check with your Doc, I checked with mine. Dr. Wallach and my heart doctor approve this method for me.

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