Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Essential Oils with Youngevity & Ancient Legacy

Alexandria Brighton and Dr. Judy Wright are the foremost authorities on our Youngevity Essential Oils. Alexandria is an incredible lady with awesome skills and we are very fortunate to have her with us in Youngevity. You can hear them every Tuesday night at 6:00 pm Pacific time on a free conference call 303-664-6005.

What follows, I will paraphrase from Alexandria Brighton's book called "From the Still Room." C2006

Alexandria has been working 20 years with essential oils and creating blends of oils. She has blended for many different companies, making everything from medicinal blends to cosmetic blends to angel blends. She has traveled to India and the Himalayas in search of oils produced by small distillers of such dedication and artistry that their precious oils will never see the commercial market. Her relationship with both National and International medical aromatherapist and researchers provides her with the most up to date information on both the use and safety of essential oils for aromatherapy.
Recreational aromatherapy, which is what we normally see advertised in the media, can get away with purchasing essential oils of unknown origin or quality. But, for therapeutic medicinal purposes that is not the case. We can trace our oils by the E.O.B.B.D label and it is our guarantee of purity. E.O.B.B.D. means Essential Oils Botanically and Biochemically Defined.
For therapeutic use, essential oils must meet various standards guaranteeing origin:
*The exact botanical species of the plant.
*The producing organ (p.o.).
*The biochemical specificity (b.s.).
We feel incredibly fortunate to have high quality suppliers with such integrity and dedication. Alexandria knows each of them personally.
Youngevity/ Ancient Legacy Blends and Oils:
This is an incredible inventory. We owe a huge thanks to Alexandria!
Have a great day. Wes
Goto for more information on these oils.
This is for educational information only. consult your physician before beginning the use of essential oils.

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