Today I'd like to talk some about Youngevity training. One of the things that are very important when choosing a network marketing company is what kind of help you will get. The great part of Youngevity is that we have a plethora of help. This is not a Lone Ranger business.
Youngevity has incredible conventions with awesome opportunities for us to learn and grow. This spring our convention is February 6th-7th in Las Vegas, Nevada. There is also a Diamond University on the 5th of February before the convention. There will be many chances to get to know other Youngevity Distributors at this event.
Dr Joel Wallach, Suzanne Somers, Doug Firebaugh and Dr. Corey Gold have been announced as the lead speakers for the convention. I have been to all the corporate conventions since 2003 and I have to say they are incredible extravaganzas.
Full 4.5 Meg PDF - http://www.youngevity.com/pdf/YGY-Conv09_flyer-sml-2.pdf
Another incredible training opportunity is our conference calls. Youngevity does not charge for these calls. Many companies charge for calls. People who take advantage of the conference calls grow at an accelerated pace in the business. We live in a glass house and everyone is invited on the calls. List of times, number and authorization number: http://www.youngevity.com/members/ccalls.php
I will make it short today as you have lots to look at. Thanks Wes
My Youngevity Website: http://www.mineralwealth.us
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