Friday, October 3, 2008

The Next Step Is To Know Youngevity

Youngevity is a multi-national Network Marketing company owned by Dr. Joel Wallach and his wife Dr. Ma Lan MD. Dr. Wallach is known through out the world as 'The Mineral Doctor.' Doc, could easily also be known as The Millionaire-Maker. That's because Dr. Wallach has helped a growing number of alert entrepreneurs reach their dreams of owning a million-dollar business. And he's done it by showing them how to help end America's mineral deficiency crisis.

Dr. Wallach has been involved in Bio-medical research and treating animals and people for more than 40 years. Dr. Wallach and Youngevity have filed several Health Claim petitions with the FDA and obtained two Qualified Health Claims. This is an important fact since no other Network Marketing company has obtained even one Health Claim. There are only a handful of Authorized Health Claims, which have been fully vetted by the FDA process.

The test of our work from home business is that it have viable products that are unique. Unique means customers can only get them from our business. The next requirement is that the products are consumed regularly. Our products are consumable and require regular replacement. The next requirement is that the products be worth buying even if there is no business opportunity associated with them. Historically, ninety-seven percent of Youngevity Asssociates have become involved only to purchase our products and receive the health benefits they feel come from eating them. The last few years the Wallach's have brought many non-nutritional products into our product line. They are equally unique and special.

If you are going to make money in your work from home business it's required that a great compensation plan be associated with the business. Youngevity is a uni-level plan with compression and a payout to infinity. It's the best pay plan I have seen. For the layman that means you can help as many of your friends become involved with you and any of them or their friends can do the same. Under this plan, if you are meeting your qualification requirements you will be paid as deeply as you are qualified, which can be all the business brought in by you and your team. The Associates coming into Youngevity with the desire to make money can do very well. No income promises are made, but it has been proved you can make millions of dollars. Youngevity is not a get rich quick scheme and it requires effort and generally personal growth to reach the highest levels. It's not required for you to be a sales person, only that you sort out five people who are as interested as you are in building a large business. Then just help them do the same. Exact written Compensation details will be made available prior to any commitment.

Enjoy and have a great day! I will see you next week. Wes

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