Thursday, April 30, 2009

What Kind of Friend are You? Tell someone!

I made this little video to explain what I think about sharing what we have in network marketing. I love the business! I love my products! Most of all I love the people I work with! I get great joy from making new friends and from being involved in the lives of great people! Enjoy this little offering. (Be sure and turn up you audio first)

I hope you have a great day! Go meet someone and make a new friend. Wes

Thursday, April 2, 2009

TRU Liquid Chocolate, Antioxidant Support

TRU LIQUID Chocolate's ingredients are bio available and highly sought after for their nutritious, health-promoting benefits. TRU Liquid Chocolate has an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) score of 135000 per liter.

Dark Chocolate is world-renown for its high Antioxidant value, supporting optimal Health and wellness. TLC has taken this to a new level of nutritional value with the addition of highly sought after exotic fruits from around the world, including Acai, Mangosteen, Cupuacu, Goji (Wolfberry) and Cherry.

Go to for specific Nutrition Facts and easy availability.

Warning: Keep out of the reach of children

This is a rich velvety blend of chocolate and exotic fruits to tantalize your taste buds. We call it TRU Liquid Chocolate. You'll call it an exquisite experience for the senses - Worthy of Royalty!

All I can say is you will love it on vanilla ice cream! Have a great weekend! Wes

Don't forget all that flavor and 19 calories per serving.