Friday, February 27, 2009

TRU Chocolate, Don't You Just Love Acronyms?

Ok, you want to get rich, not just lose weight. So, how do you do it? Easy, the 4 - Ds

1. Demo- Share a piece of faboulous tasting TRU Chocolate. (This is your sales force)

2. Drink- Give your friend a follow up 16 oz bottle or glass of cold water. WOW!

3. Dial- 512-404-1282 and hear what people are doing and the weight they are losing!

4. Duplicated- You have just taught them what they need to do to make money.

Go to your free company website and sign them up. Make sure they buy a qualifying order so they will also enjoy the 30% weekly quick start bonuses on new orders that you get. That bonus is on top of a very generous uni-level marketing plan that potentially pays all the way to the bottom of your orginazation. You have completed the process. I believe anyone can teach this process!

If this is new to you, you should call me at 801-891-7059 and I will get you set up. People are breaking Manager in week and Diamond level in a month. All it takes is doing it!

Have a great day! Wes

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More from Convention, Skin Care and Minerals

News from the Las Vegas Convention

Two additions for our skin. Botanical Spa Collection is awesome. Promotes balanced skin..naturally

Beauty is more than skin deep

It also comes from the inside by using our incredible EFA capsules and antioxidants.

#2- 100% Pure

Eye Shadow

Lip Gloss




It is incredible how Michelle Wallach has created the finest Mineral Makeup and Skin Care on the market. Hats off to Youngevity!
If you understand the Latte Factor, you know that just switching to incredible products like these and buying from yourself, you will never worry about making a qualifying order again. The new compensation plan really makes it worth your time to speak up and let your friends and others know how great our products are. What could ever say more than radiant skin and beautiful makeup? If you see a change, don't you ask what has changed? Your friends are no different. In this company we should all be the best we can be. In this economy a smile is your best selling point. We have everything to smile about!

Have a great day! Wes

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Wisdom of Hot Chocolate

I got an Email from my cousin Gordon Clark this morning. It really puts life in perspective. I don't love money but I need money for things I require. I am not committed to obtaining money more than I am committed to living a good life. What I think is a good life, is a life of giving. I believe in God and try to live his commandments. I believe in putting other peoples needs on the same plane as mine. I believe family is the top of the heap. I care more about my wife and kids than I care about my life. My goal each and every day is to live the way I believe and let others know what I believe without having to say it but by showing it to them. I am perfectly happy with a cup that is plain but that holds a lot of love.
Check this out. I believe you will like it. Have a great day! Wes

Friday, February 20, 2009

Passing of a friend. Is there a story for you?

Just thought I would let you know my Trooper is repaired. Strange how we worry so much about our cars and other "stuff" and ignore our own health. I love the idea that people will spend tons of money buying a car and tons of money keeping it in good running order and changing the oil and filling the tank with "good" fuel and yet they won't take quality vitamins. We all feel we are doing what's right with our bodies. We watch our cholesterol, fatty foods, sugar intake, don't smoke, never drink too much, always exercise, watch our weight. Oops! Am I dreaming, lets say some of us do these things. We all pick and choose. One thing about Youngevity you never have to guess whether we are getting the best supplements. Doc has always led with the mighty 90. 90 essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids with the essential fatty acids. If you don't know what that means go back to the first posts on my blog and I explain it fully.

I am thinking about my best friend Gary today. A couple of weeks ago he was up from St. George and sat with his uncle Lon as he passed away with cancer. Very traumatic. He had to go back to work and missed the funeral. His uncle Jerry spoke and I know he would have loved his talk. I found out many new things about Lon I was never aware of. He was a builder of homes. He would build a home and live in it while he built another home and then move into the new home and so on and so on. I met Lon many years ago when I was about 16. He built the home next to my parents in Salt Lake. It was an investment home. Lon didn't know he would die a long, excruciatingly painful death with cancer. He was just like you and me, living his life. I bet he was not aware of antioxidants, nor did he take them.

Gary called me this morning to let me know that he got a call about his Uncle Bill and that he had passed away. He was also at Lon's funeral. He had a heart attack. They were in their 70's. Many would say that they had lived a long and full life and it was their time to go. I am pushing 60 and I want you young people to know that I feel no different today than I did at 18. From my side of my eyes, I look out and see opportunities to fully enjoy the rest of my life. You never, as I see it and as it has been related to me by very old people just prior to death, feel different. Sure, you can't do some things you used to be able to do. If you keep a young mind by being adventurous and having goals and dreams for your future, you can always enjoy more life. It is when our body fails and we get sick and are in pain and lose functions that people start to give up. Sam Clements used to say that if he had known he was going to live this long he would have taken better care of himself. We should all take note of that and start today, taking better care of ourselves. I bet Uncle Bill didn't know he should be taking selenium and absorbable calcium.

Gary's call was hard for him. He is feeling his mortality. His Uncle Jerry, the one that spoke at Lon's funeral, is the oldest in his family line and then comes Gary. He has younger cousins but he is one step away from being the patriarch of the Vombaur genealogy. His comment to me was that he is quitting smoking this weekend. I wish he had said he is quitting smoking now, because then it would have led me to believe he had a better chance of success. Smoking is very hard to quit but it can be done if you make a decision to "Never smoke again!" Just one more will end your quest. I love Gary like a brother and hope it works for him. I know that smoking is a big health hazard. I have family members that I long to see quit the habit. I know it can be done. When I was young I smoked 3 packs a day during the week and 5 each on Friday through Sunday. I quit the day I caught my two young boys imitating me with their crayons. I knew it was bad and I did not want to be the influence that would cause them such pain. It half worked. I know it is possible. The odds are against you and it requires real determination, but it can be done. I wonder if Gary knows that Plant Derived Minerals help reduce cravings. I will have to let him know about that.

Think this over. Put your own name in the headline. What do you need to find out to make your life longer? What should you do to make your health better. My own dad passed away on April 1st, 2005 . That was a horrible April Fools trick on me. He was an incredible father and a great example of a man of integrity. I knew about our products for 3 years prior to his death. I talked about them with him until he finally said that his friends the doctors were the last word on his diabetes. He would not take supplements because they cost money. Lack of money was not his problem it was lack of belief. I am confident that he would be alive today if he had done as I asked. I know our products have saved my life twice. I also know that the only way you will know what they would do for you is to try them. I can't make you any promises and the government requires that the last word you will hear as you go out of this life will probably be your doctor's voice.

Sorry about the soap box. But, this is a subject I feel strongly about. On a lighter note. I ran into a cool clock the other day. It is a statistics clock and I would like to share it with you. You will find every statistic from soup to nuts. Check out the death reasons. See if you think you want to make a change in your life.

I love you all. Have a great day! Wes

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Today's Prospecting (friendshipping) Example

I was having my SUV repaired this morning. I was waiting for the lender car to return so I could leave. Up walked a lady with a great personality. This is my target market; people that are friendly and that will talk to people. We began a conversation and I noticed right away she fit what I am looking for when I tell people about TRU Chocolate. You should know she is very fit and didn't look like she needed to lose weight. I found out her name is Misty and she related she was looking for a job. So I knew right away she was friendly and could use some more money. I found she is married and drives a Blazer. I'm married to and also had a Jimmy which is a Blazer in disguise. So, we had some things in common. I simply said, "Do you like chocolate?" I didn't wait for some special moment or set it up, I just asked. She looked wide eyed for a sec and said, "Sure I like chocolate, not to say I crave it all the time but sometimes I have to go to the store and buy a donut and cover it with chocolate syrup." I told her about our chocolate wafers and ask if she thought that sounded interesting. She said it did. I didn't have a sample but the owner of the auto shop is not only a friend of mine but also a distributor in my hierarchy in Youngevity. I told her he would supply a sample and if she signed up she should join with him. I got a piece of paper and wrote down the address to my blog. I could have called the testimony line (1-512-404-1282) or told her about the almost daily 7:30 pm (MST) webinar ( Both of those options are talked about here on the blog. She seemed very interested. I asked if she had the web. She said no but she was going to the library daily, while looking for a job, and using the web. I am sure when she looks up the blog she will read about her story. I believe this will be a great fit for you Misty.

My point in telling this story is obvious. All you have to do to create business and meet potential distributors is be friendly. Meet people with a smile. This is not cold call selling. This is just being friendly and making new friends. If it leads to business so much the better for them and for you. When you meet this new person your foremost thought should not be how much can I sell her. It should be what can I do to benefit her life? I'm sure Misty and I both had a mutual feeling of friendship. Telling her about the TRU Chocolate did not detract from that, because I found a need she had. I told her about something that would fill her need for more money. The way to learn how to do this is next time you are out and about in a store, look over your options for checkout lanes and look for someone who is smiling, not just for the shortest line. Get in behind that person. Smile back. Find something to talk about. I like to use FORM. The acronym FORM stands for family, occupation, recreation and money. Pick one topic that seems appropriate and just start a conversation. Try very hard to find something in this persons life that TRU Chocolate will benefit. Now, once you know how it will benefit her and make her life better; could even be her only way to financial freedom, to better health, to saving a marriage, to losing that weight that has ruined her life, try not to tell her about it. If you put yourself in the place of your new friend and knowing how it will change her life and don't tell her about it, you will not feel fear of speaking but you will fill the guilt of not telling her. When you do tell her, help her feel how this product will change her life and make her feel it and you will seal your friendship forever. It's amazing how much more open people are to telling their true problems, emotions and joys to a pure stranger. Think Forest Gump on the bench.

Please do this. It's not just about the money you will make. It's about changing the world one person, most likely even a family, at a time.
Have a great day! Wes

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Short Story on TRU Chocolate

This is short for those with limited patience. TRU Chocolate will help you lose weight and make money for you if you share it.

1. If you are 40 lbs overweight, take one Tru Chocolate and one 8 oz. water. 3x per day
2. If you are 40 to 99 lbs, take two Tru Chocolate and 2 water. 3x per day
3. If you are 100 plus lbs overweight, take three chocolate and 3 water. 3x per day

To catch you up. 3 min anytime (24/7) recorded call 512-404-1282
30 min Webinar Sun-Thur 7:30 MT
I also strongly recommend you listen in on the company conference call, weekly - Thursdays at 6:00 MT at 303-664-6005 pin 8016610#, For more information read down in this blog!

To order and become involved, use your id or join at with Wesley Thompson #16607501

No promises are made and we are not claiming any health benefits, just try it and decide!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Do you know anyone, that knows anyone, who knows

You know, it could go on and on and on. It's called 6 degrees of separation. If you know someone who knows someone you don't know ~ if 6 generations pass and if you had a computer to track it; you could be 6 people away from anyone in the world. To make this work you have to ask for a referral! Just like Facebook, hmm.

I hear every day ~ I have told everyone, I don't know anyone, everyone I know is poor, this is a rough economy. I say, it's a bunch of proverbial hooey. If two or three times a day you ask the simple question, "Who do you know that likes chocolate?" you will find people that like chocolate and who also know someone, you don't know, who needs our product. I promise ~ very few people will take a swing at you for asking that question. If they do, we don't want them any way. Don't get all detailed and sell the car by explaining how the engine works. Just ask if they like chocolate. When they say, they do; well, give them a piece of TRU Chocolate and a drink of water. Wait for the Wow! Not tough at all!

I was doing some stuff this morning and was watching a bit of Hoda and Kathie Lee on NBC TV. They said something that really caught my attention. “Just about everyone craves either chocolate or something salty and crunchy.” That piece told me we are on the right track with our TRU Chocolate. They were all about not eating too much chocolate because it's full of sugar and fattening. TRU Chocolate isn't and it tastes great! So we ought to find at least 50% of the people we talk to that will listen. Following it up, I googled Hoda and Kathie Lee chocolate. There were thousands of hits. Do you think they spend all that money on researching what people want to hear about and talk about things no one cares about? No! It seems that chocolate is a big hit in their show. Hoda is the chocolate lover and Kathie Lee likes salty. Funny, you can't tell by looking at them, you would have to ask to find out who likes what. 50/50 odds.

Money! This is a rough economy! People say it like it's news. Truth is, most of the people that say it haven't been effected. Utah has 3.4% unemployment rate in 2008. 1.35 million people had jobs in 2008 and about 47,000 didn't. Unemployment is up a bit since then but there are people that still have money to buy a product they want. An Internet guru I follow is Frank Kern. He says, and I agree, that people will buy what they want! So, do people want TRU Chocolate or do they want to lose weight? Do they want TRU Chocolate or do they want to earn a part-time, could be, full time income? Do they want TRU Chocolate because they love chocolate or do they want to love a chocolate that loves them back? By that I mean, it tastes great, has no sugar, full of antioxidants and herbs that curb their appetite.

So, the next issue, who can afford the price? Stop and add it up, people are overweight; how do they get thin? Have you ever heard of infomercials for exercise equipment and stores crammed to the rafters with weights and machines? What about cooking books and special diets that cost money? How about programs that help you learn how to eat and track your progress? How about fat farms? What about personal trainers? What about gyms and health clubs? How about the time spent on all these programs? I don't want you to think that these are bad things. In fact they are very good things but they are not free. Nobody expects them to be cheep or free. They cost big bucks and people pay. Frank Kern recently put out a video that talked about this issue of cost of product. He said that he flys a lot. Weekly he is going somewhere in the country or the world. He always flys first class and first class is always full. Even today in this economy. Why is it full? Is it the extra three inches in the seat bottom or the extra leg room? Is it the slightly better, bad airline food? Not on your life! It’s because the people who fly first class, fly first class because they can! Those, 26 or so seats, every flight could pay for a new BMW. There are people out there who will buy TRU Chocolate because they can. Many of those people are looking for residual income. You have to know that people with money depend on making money and this makes money. These people will see the value. Value is what it is all about. If you are interested in losing weight, or getting healthy or making residual income, TRU Chocolate has value. Where are you prospecting?

Consider this, "Can we agree there is an Obesity Problem?
USA Obesity Rates Reach Epidemic Proportions

  1. 58 Million Overweight;
  2. 40 Million Obese;
  3. 3 Million morbidly Obese
  4. Eight out of 10 over 25' Overweight
  5. 78% of Americans not meeting basic activity level recommendations
  6. 25% completely Sedentary
  7. 76% increase in Type II diabetes in adults 30-40 yrs old since 1990

Obesity effects our health and our cost is in lives and huge dollar costs for medical and missed work. Most of all heart ache for family and the person involved. Many people will agree there is a problem but won't take the action required to fix the weight issue. What if they can make money and fix the problem? Would that make a difference? I had a problem with my grandson all morning on Saturday. We were together for the baptism of his brother Tanner. Four year old Tyler ignored me all morning. It came time to take pictures. There was a particular picture we really wanted to take. All of us were cajoling him to come and be in the picture. At his young age when I said, "Tyler, I will give you a nickel if you come be in the picture." He came right over, no more arguing. He wanted it now, but I told him, "After the picture." He smiled so big for the picture, I think it would be a great fit for Gerber. My point isn't that we should bribe our grand kids but did he want the picture or did he want the nickel? Do we want to sell chocolate to our friends or do we want them to get healthy, share our opportunity and become financially independent and make us a little money. We don't want to bribe people but the truth is money makes the world go round. How many of you would go to work tomorrow if you knew you weren't going to be paid? If you would go, how long would you keep going, for no money?

So I guess we can agree, chocolate is good and TRU Chocolate is better. Healthy is good and better if we can help others get healthy. Money is good and it is better, like J. Paul Getty said to earn 1% from 100 people than 100% from ourselves. Most people let it go at that but what if we take it to where we really want it and earn 1% from 100,000 people. We will all be happy and healthy. I guess you could call it a bribe but I prefer calling it a fair income, if we can all do the same thing. Millions of millionaires, what a thought and all of us healthy.

Have a great day! Wes

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Webinar tonight on TRU Chocolate!

CHECK YOUR EMAIL! Webinar tonight on TRU Chocolate!

To catch you up.
3 min recorded call 512-404-1282 24/7
30 min Webinar Sun-Thur 7:30 MT
We also strongly recommend you listen in on the company conference
tonight at 6:00 MT at 303-664-6005 pin 8016610#
We'll see you there

TRU Chocolate Training Call this Thursday, February 12th at 9 p.m. MT.
303.664.6005 Pin 8016610# Hosted by Total Nutrition, our upline. Be sure

and join in and find out how to lose weight and make money.

(Subject to all normal disclaimers on weight loss and earning money. )

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Do you want a C6 Corvette and a F430 Ferrari?

So you think Triple Diamond would be nice but you've thought it really wasn't worth your effort for only millions of dollars and a percentage of the total company revenue. Now that Triple Diamonds are getting more common, Doc and Steve threw a new log on the fire. How about really pushing yourself and earning a brand new C6 Corvette or busting the envelope and earning, any color of your choice, a brand new F430 Ferrari. Can you smell that never been sat in car smell mixed with the leather and raw speed. Can't you just feel the wind in your hair. Be careful don't get a ticket. Ha Ha. This isn't for everyone but it is for the cream of the crop. By the way if you prefer a station wagon or a Hummer or cash, it's up to you!

Up till now Youngevity has only made available car bonus money, up to $1000 a month. That's still available, of course, along with a huge compensation plan for each aquired level, but now this is added to the plan, if you qualify, they will slap the keys down on the counter in Chula Vista and send you home with the title to a fabulous car. Read the rules and fine print on the company site.

If you ask me is it worth it? I would have to say that for those with big dreams, alone it probably isn't a big enough incentive. Some incentives are about the people. Don't get me wrong, it's an incredible opportunity, but think of all the people who's lives you will touch in order to drive away in those cars; people that maybe don't have it in them to aspire to something so great, people that believe they will never drive more than a paid for, beat up, old, barely alive car, that gets them to a job that over uses them, for not nearly enough money to live on. Because of that leader, they are inspired and have hope. They improve the lives of their family and they become inspirations to others. Those kind of dreams and passions make a Vette or a Ferrari pale by comparison. Don't get me wrong the people with the drive deserve the best because they don't do it alone. They can't do it alone. They drag people along, kicking and screaming to prosperity. It takes a team and believe me, when that leader drives off in that car, their team will be at the curb cheering them on. Those people at the curb know that the inspiration and the leadership and the coaching paid for that car and it was their team who benefited. Now when you add that to the value of the cars, it is a "HUGE INCENTIVE." Way to go Doc and Steve, we love you!

Have a great day! Wes

Friday, February 6, 2009

Wow, look at that boy! Convention Now!

Boy, I just saw one gorgeous baby and a proud daddy. Congratulations to Blake and Niabi Graham on performing a duplicable process with the end result as always with Blake ~ Superb! Good thing the little one got his mom's looks though. Check out the picture under following my blog.

Convention in Las Vegas started two hours ago. Don't you wish you were there and knew all the exciting new things going on with Youngevity! With all the TRU Chocolate excitement and the changes in the marketing plan and all the new money it is going to be one exciting weekend. For the leaders that missed this event I feel bad but I am sure you had a good reason. For the ones that are there, I know your lives will be blessed.

Have a great day! Wes

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Fresh Lemon Grass and Cancer Cells

Wow, 3 in one day. This is important! It can't wait! Please Read! I got this in an Email from Alexandria Brighten our Essential Oils expert in Youngevity.

I got this really good information on Lemongrass and cancer. Thought you would like to share this with everyone. Imagine what the Lemongrass essential oil can do. Would make a nice warm (not Hot) tea to drink and also get the benefits from it.

Fresh Lemon Grass Drink Causes Apoptosis to Cancer Cells
(apoptosis) noun: a type of cell death in which the cell uses specialized cellular machinery to kill itself; a cell suicide mechanism that enables metazoans to control cell number and eliminate cells that threaten the animal's survival.

Fresh lemon grass fields in Israel become Mecca for cancer patients By Allison Kaplan Sommer April 02, 2006

A drink with as little as one gram of lemon grass contains enough citral to prompt cancer cells to commit suicide in the test tube.
Israeli researchers find way to make cancer cells self-destruct -Ben Gurion University.
At first, Benny Zabidov, an Israeli agriculturalist who grows greenhouses full of lush spices on a pastoral farm in Kfar Yedidya in the Sharon region, couldn't understand why so many cancer patients from around the country were showing up on his doorstep asking for fresh lemon grass. It turned out that their doctors had sent them. 'They had been told to drink eight glasses of hot water with fresh lemon grass steeped in it on the days that they went for their radiation and chemotherapy treatments,' Zabidov told ISRAEL21c. 'And this is the place you go to in Israel for fresh lemon grass.'
It all began when researchers at Ben Gurion University of the Negev discovered last year that the lemon aroma in herbs like lemon grass kills cancer cells in vitro, while leaving healthy cells unharmed. The research team was led by Dr. Rivka Ofir and Prof. Yakov Weinstein, incumbent of the Albert Katz Chair in Cell-Differentiation and Malignant Diseases, from the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at BGU.

Citral is the key component that gives the lemony aroma and taste in several herbal plants such as lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus), melissa (Melissa officinalis) and verbena (Verbena officinalis.)
According to Ofir, the study found that citral causes cancer cells to 'commit suicide: using apoptosis, a mechanism called programmed cell death.' A drink with as little as one gram of lemon grass contains enough citral to prompt the cancer cells to commit suicide in the test tube.
The BGU investigators checked the influence of the citral on cancerous cells by adding them to both cancerous cells and normal cells that were grown in a petri dish. The quantity added in the concentrate was equivalent to the amount contained in a cup of regular tea using one gram of lemon herbs in hot water. While the citral killed the cancerous cells, the normal cells remained unharmed.
The findings were published in the scientific journal Planta Medica, which highlights research on alternative and herbal remedies. Shortly afterwards, the discovery was featured in the popular Israeli press.

Why does it work? Nobody knows for certain, but the BGU scientists have a theory. 'In each cell in our body, there is a genetic program which causes programmed cell death. When something goes wrong, the cells divide with no control and become cancer cells. In normal cells, when the cell discovers that the control system is not operating correctly - for example, when it recognizes that a cell contains faulty genetic material following cell division - it triggers cell death,' explains Weinstein. 'This research may explain the medical benefit of these herbs.'

The success of their research led them to the conclusion that herbs containing citral may be consumed as a preventative measure against certain cancerous cells. As they learned of the BGU findings in the press, many physicians in Israel began to believe that while the research certainly needed to be explored further, in the meantime it would be advisable for their patients, who were looking for any possible tool to fight their condition, to try to harness the cancer-destroying properties of citral.

That's why Zabidov's farm - the only major grower of fresh lemon grass in Israel - has become a pilgrimage destination for these patients. Luckily, they found themselves in sympathetic hands. Zabidov greets visitors with a large kettle of aromatic lemon grass tea, a plate of cookies, and a supportive attitude. 'My father died of cancer, and my wife's sister died young because of cancer,' said Zabidov. 'So I understand what they are dealing with. And I may not know anything about medicine, but I'm a good listener. And so they tell me about their expensive painful treatments and what they've been through. I would never tell them to stop being treated, but it's great that they are exploring alternatives and drinking the lemon grass tea as well.'
Zabidov knew from a young age that agriculture was his calling. At age 14, he enrolled in the Kfar Hayarok Agricultural high school. After his army service, he joined an idealistic group which headed south, in the Arava desert region, to found a new moshav (agricultural settlement) called Tsofar. 'We were very successful; we raised fruits and vegetables, and,' he notes with a smile, 'We raised some very nice children.'

On a trip to Europe in the mid-80s, he began to become interested in herbs. Israel, at the time, was nothing like the trend-conscious cuisine-oriented country it is today, and the only spices being grown commercially were basics like parsley, dill, and coriander. Wandering in the Paris market, looking at the variety of herbs and spices, Zabidov realized that there was a great export potential in this niche. He brought samples back home with him, 'which was technically illegal,' he says with a guilty smile, to see how they would grow in his desert greenhouses. Soon, he was growing basil, oregano, tarragon, chives, sage, marjoram and melissa, and mint just to name a few.
His business began to outgrow his desert facilities, and so he decided to move north, settling in the moshav of Kfar Yedidya, an hour and a half north of Tel Aviv. He is now selling 'several hundred kilos' of lemon grass per week, and has signed with a distributor to package and put it in health food stores. Zabidov has taken it upon himself to learn more about the properties of citral, and help his customers learn more, and has invited medical experts to his farm to give lectures about how the citral works and why.

He also felt a responsibility to know what to tell his customers about its use. 'When I realized what was happening, I picked up the phone and called Dr. Weinstein at Ben-Gurion University, because these people were asking me exactly the best way to consume the citral. He said to put the loose grass in hot water, and drink about eight glasses each day.
'Zabidov is pleased by the findings, not simply because it means business for his farm, but because it might influence his own health. Even before the news of its benefits were demonstrated, he and his family had been drinking lemon grass in hot water for years, 'just because it tastes good.'

DISCLAIMER: The information shared herein is that of the writer and is intended for informational purposes only. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated nor approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Any advice and/or product(s) mentioned should not be used to diagnosis, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your healthcare professional if you are currently taking medication, pregnant, trying to get pregnant, nursing, or if your have any other health condition before taking any products mentioned or applying any information contained herein.
I think everyone will agree this is well worth looking into!
Have a nice day and a healthy life! Wes

Email from Steve Wallach on TRU Chocolate

Where else can you go in this economy and hear about a product and a business blasting the charts out of the water and people making tons of money. Triple Diamond in under 8 months and scores of new Diamonds. Join in the fun! Make the money yours!

Hey team this was in my mailbox this morning!:

From: Steve Wallach
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 10:05 AM
Subject: Way To Go Team!!!

Hi Team,

Another Record Month for TRU Chocolate Sales, in fact, it wasn't even close, the December Sales Record was Smashed!

Saturday saw the Biggest Sales of TRU Chocolate and it wasn’t an Autoship Day, and our Offices weren’t even open! Way To Go!!!

I know with what we have in the Works, The Sky is the Limit!!!

Best Wishes,


Everybody! This is real and it's happening right now! Get on board, lose weight, get healthy and make money! You joined for life, now live your life to the max.

Have a great day! Wes